P2672 - Blackadder

Blackadder is the key prospect on the P2672 licence, awarded to Deltic in the UKCS 33rd Round (3rd Tranche) in 2024.

Technical work undertaken by Deltic has identified that the Rotliegendes aged Pharos discovery (47/5d-6) is likely part of the greater Blackadder structure. Seismic data in the area is legacy and has had little in the way of modern depth conversion processes applied to it.

Using the learnings from Selene, the low cost work programme is designed to unlock seismic velocity information, to improve reservoir imaging and refine the structural model to de-risk the Blackadder structure.




North Sea





Resource Summary

Licence Ref Deltic Equity Prospect Reservoir PRMS Status Net Prospective Resources (BCF) Risk Factor %
P90 P50 P10
P2672 100% Blackadder Rotliegendes Prospect 66 165 293 65*
Teviot Rotliegendes Discovery 9 17 27 65*
*Both wells encountered gas bearing Leman Sandstone, however neither well was flow tested, with residual risk related to reservoir effectiveness.

Blackadder Prospect

The Blackadder prospect is located on the south western limb of the Sole Pit Basin inversion axis, to the west of the West Sole field, bounded by the Dowsing Fault.

The prospect was identified by the previous licensees but believed to be limited to a smaller area, with the Pharos discovery being an independent accumulation to the north. The 47/05d-6 well was drilled in 2013 and encountered gas in tight Rotligendes aged Leman Sandstone.

Deltic re-analysis of the existing data strongly indicates that the Pharos Discovery is in fact part of a wider Blackadder structure, which is a series of inversion pop ups that track along the hanging wall of the Dowsing Fault. The prospect is a segmented four way dip structure with the overlying Silverpit Shale Fm as initial top seal, though ultimately by the halites of the Zechstein Group.


Teviot Discovery

Discovered in 2005 by Newfield Energy by well 47/10-8, the Teviot accumulation encountered thin gas charged Upper and Lwr Leman Sandstone.

Due to the poor development of the sands and the limited size of the trap, the discovery has not been developed.

Teviot is considered commercially unviable for standalone development, though may form part of a wider area development programme if the Blackadder structure is found to be hydrocarbon bearing.

Next Steps

  • Complete Phase A work programme – re-processing the legacy 3D seismic data to improve imaging and seismic velocities
  • Validate the wider Pharos/Blackadder structure through detailed interpretation
  • Farm down process expected to initiate in Q2 2025